Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dust to dust - facing suffering with grace and growth

As a practicing Catholic and also someone who is embracing Buddhist philosophy more with each passing month and year, this article drew me in for its reflection on the value of facing head on the inevitable suffering we face. 

"We don’t want to suffer — we hate it, in fact. Yet it is suffering that often brings personal improvement. Not all pain is beneficial, obviously. But researchers have consistently found that most survivors of illness and loss experience “post-traumatic growth.” Not only do many people find a greater emotional maturity after suffering; they are even better prepared to help others deal with their pain. That is why after a loss we turn for comfort to those who have endured a similar loss.

The two enormous losses I have faced this past year (death of my father and grand-daughter) have definitely resulted in great growth.  My meditation practice has exploded, watered by the tears and grief that I have faced head on.  It has been a solace and a place to be humbled by my own suffering, and the suffering of my own loved ones. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Children's books on mindfulness

As a librarian, step-mom, and meditator, I love this blog post, which points you to an array of books that help nurture mindfulness in young people.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What students have shared about Rita's teaching and classes

"For me this class reminded me of how much I want to find a class so it was a motivational thing.  I liked how you kept speaking about how each of our bodies are different and it is ok to be able to do something only so so and not push ourselves.  That felt gentle."
Another student shared that "I just want to tell you again that your class was a ten for me! (you know, that scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best!)
Your readings were inspirational.   The variety and how you alternated reading/writing with the essential oils and yoga made the time go way too fast!
I especially thank you for your comments when we set our intentions for 2015.    Intentions on how to BE are so much more meaningful than goals and accomplishments.     I chose the words energized and engaged and that really changed how I felt today.   I believe Spirit really moves through our stated intentions!  Thank you again."

Welcome to my virtual yoga space

My intention for this blog is to create a virtual space to offer up resources, insights and ideas to support the practice of yoga for you, my beloved readers.  This is also a space to connect with me and my offerings as a teacher.

If you have ideas, questions and suggestions, please bring them on!
