Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rest is Resistance yoga nidra series is coming in April

Registration is open for my Rest is Resistance Nidra series.

Each Thursday evening in April I will offer you nourishing time in the nidra state, the liminal space between sleep and wakefulness.  I have crafted nidras with quotes and affirmations from the amazing book by Tricia Hersey.  After the nidra you will also have some time to free write/journal/draw with some prompts connected to resting and resisting.  

As always, I will record the nidras, so if Thursday evenings don’t work for your schedule, you can still access my offerings at a time and day that works for you.  

I highly recommend reading this powerful book, but you don’t need to have read the book to enjoy this series.  

In a time where our resistance and love is so needed, it's so important to downregulate our nervous systems to think well and care for ourselves and our community.  I look at practicing nidra as putting your oxygen mask on first.  

Details on the series:

Dates / Times / Format

4-week series; Thursdays in April

April 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

7:30 - 8:30pm PST



$90 for series

** Please pay me directly through mt Venmo account: @Rita-Jimenez-4 OR PayPal: @ritaj65 **