Saturday, February 3, 2024

New series starting this month - Yoga Nidra for the Chakras

One of my favorite things about being a nidra teacher is creating new offerings (and all the learning that entails) later this month you can enjoy a brand new nidra offering that taps into the chakras, the ancient South Asian philosophy of how energy flows through the body/mind/spirit.   This 4 week series will allow you to progress from the root chakra up to the crown, with nidras infused with poetry, color and rest....

I integrate crystals in the series too, so you will receive suggestions for how you can use crystals to support specific chakras each week.  There will be optional journaling prompts at the end of each class, so that you can write or draw whatever you download from the nidra experience.  

Classes are livestreamed each Monday evening, 7pm PST.  You will get recordings to support your home practice, as well as a curated list of resources on yoga nidra, chakras and crystals.

Dates are: Feb. 19, 26, March 4 and 11. 7 pm PST

Your investment is $70.  

Join me!  Register here.