Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Some feedback from my students

Being able to offer yoga and then yoga nidra to my community, the Latino community, in the midst of a global pandemic was absolutely one of the "gifts" of the pandemic.  I stretched myself as a teacher, learning to hold space and teach online, as well as teaching myself how to offer yoga nidra.  I built community and offered a healing space, free of charge, to Latina community health workers.  

Here is some feedback from a couple of my students, translated from Spanish to English. 

The first testimonial is from a student was terribly impacted by the pandemic, as they lost multiple family members to COVID-19.  

"I want to thank you for all your time in offering yoga. I learned many beautiful things with you, being introduced to yoga, as I have told you, I had never done it before.  I liked doing it with you, especially yoga nidra.  I am in love with your angelic voice that brought much peace to my life.  God put you in my path to heal my soul from so much pain that I carried with me from the past months.  Little by little I have some peace in my soul.  You have changed my life with yoga nidra.  Many thanks"

Another student shared, "I learned that the practice of yoga nidra helps me sleep with tranquility and rest.  It is very relaxing and my favorite practice."