Friday, December 29, 2017

Reading my blog? A prize for a first comment

If you are reading this post, you found my blog.  Yeah!

If you make a comment to a post and live in the Portland area, I will offer the first Portlander a free reiki session.  If you don't live in Portland, I can send you reiki infused bath salts with organic plants from my garden.   I grow amazing lavender and calendula, so be ready for some amazing bath salts folks. 

So get reading and commenting!

On being grateful

I adore On Being podcasts.

I adore this particular one because the guest is an elder, a Catholic monk with so much wisdom, talking about topics that make my heart and mind sing.  

The defining and refining of gratefulness, thanksgiving, spirituality, and religion (using the apt metaphor of a dormant volcano that lacks the fiery spark) many layers of insight, reflection and learning.

Hearing Br. David Steindl-Rast talk about how our society, rooted in oppression, is collapsing before our eyes.  It's rare in mainstream media or society that people openly state that, so I find it refreshing, even if the words make my breath get stuck in my throat. 

New resource

A coworker who I respect and has deep experience working with traumatized communities shared this resource with me for guided meditations and visualizations.   

Two caveats: it costs money to use, and I haven't personally tried it out yet. 

If you use it, I'd love to hear your feedback.  Post a comment to the blog.