This was my first ever conference devoted to survivors of sexual violence, and it was made even more powerful because it was focused on my own community. It was two days worth of learning, sharing and networking with others doing this work in different ways across the state, ranging from social workers, counselors, police officers and activists.
Keynote speaker Rut Martinez, Multicultural Center Coordinator for PCC SE Campus, made the fundamental connection between our culture's roots in sexual violence, which was a foundational tool of colonization and imperialism in Latin America. It is no accident or personal flaw that we have families that are impacted by sexual violence. Our very names reflect centuries of rape, slavery and colonization. Other panelists reinforced and built on this message.
Other sessions that were insightful was the one on Genderless in a Gendered Language, with a panel of two transgender Latin@s sharing their experiences. How do you reflect gender diversity in Spanish? I learned a new word - genderqueer.
The self-care activity at the end of the first day was getting to listen to and then play percussion with Grupo Latitudes. It was a perfect way to center myself in what is beautiful and affirming about our culture.